Authenticity is a Magnet for the Right People and a Filter for the Wrong Ones
I grew up with a pretty “kooky” dad. He’d mow the lawn in a speedo with his music blaring loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear — anything from Alanis Morrisette to Slip Knot. Dad prayed at the altar of Rolling Stone, and if they said it was good, he listened.
For the majority of my formative years, everything he did — including asking me to take pictures of him next to his cardboard cutout collection of Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, and Homer Simpson for our family Christmas card — felt wildly embarrassing to me.
But now, as I push closer to 40, I realize he was teaching me something invaluable: authenticity.
My dad has never cared about fitting in or pleasing anyone. He shows up as his full, unapologetic self, and in doing so, he has found his people — friends who have stuck by his side for 60+ years.
When you show up as your true self, something powerful happens. The people who align with your energy, values, and quirks are naturally drawn to you.
At the same time, those who can’t handle the real you will quietly fall away.
And that’s okay.
It’s not your job to please everyone or fit into someone else’s idea of who you should be. The people who matter will love you for exactly who you are. So, don’t be afraid to filter out the ones who don’t. There’s beauty in not being everyone’s cup of tea.
The right people? They’ll stick around — even when you're mowing your lawn in a speedo.
Hell, they might even join you.